How Great Is Our God?

I was led to Isaiah 53 this morning and got stuck on verses 4-6. 

“Surely (nevertheless, truly) our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried.” (vs 4)

Let’s just stop there. The previous verses talk about how Jesus was despised and forsaken (rejected) by people. He was a man who had sorrow and grief but He still chose to carry our griefs? Our sorrows?  Sure, He is God. But at this point in time, He had laid down His deity and was living life as man, as you and me. Wow! When I am stuck in sorrow or grief I am not thinking about anyone else but myself. 

Let’s continue on. (vs 5) “But He was pierced through for our (my) transgressions (sins), He was crushed for our (my) iniquities (moral wrongdoings). The chastening (correction) for our (my) iniquities (peace, health, prosperity) fell upon Him, and by His scourging/stripes (bruising, wounds) we are healed (cured/made whole).  

Why would anyone not want to follow Jesus? Why do some hate Him? Is it because they have never heard this marvelous truth? Yes, I believe that is one of the reasons. Verse 6 also tells us another. “All of us, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has turned to his own way.”  Now before we start pointing a finger at ‘them’ let’s look at this closer.  All of us, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has turned to our own way. I am one of the all and each. I go astray every day and choose my own way when I choose to disrespect my husband or get angry at the person who was rude to me on the phone, and I carry the offense. But Jesus chose not to carry offense and not get angry but instead to take the punishment for my wrongdoings so that I could be completely healed, cured, and made whole.  I love this Jesus! I pray you do too! 

Linda Rahn, Director